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Philosophy & Rationale

Life Skills Day Program

​The Milestones Life Skills Day Program was created to address:

  • The shortage of services for adolescents and young adults with autism and related disorders is accessible to families and school districts in the state. 

  • The continuation of ABA-based instruction and treatment for older learners

  • The program is based on the science of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) using evidence-based practices and making data-based decisions.

A common concern for parents with adolescent/teenage children with autism or other exceptionalities is their ability to learn to become as independent as possible. Sharing these concerns are those who educate these students in public schools. Gaining independence may be hindered by challenging behavior and deficits in communication and other essential core skills in a traditional school setting.  We understand these fears and our program is designed to address these needs. The goal of our program is to increase learners’ capabilities in areas that are critical to their next stage of life. Our comprehensive and customizable programs are designed to engage the learner in the development of life skills, enable his or her integration into society and enrich his or her life with confidence and a sense of independence.

Teenager at Home

Our 4-Step Process for Training Independent Living Skills:

Step 1: Comprehensive Assessment and Treatment Plan Development

Step 2: Service Delivery: your child will receive one-to-one services from a trained Behavior Analyst and/or Certified Educator using the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

Step 3: Progress Reporting

Step 4: Graduation

A learner may return to the program if he or she requires follow-up support or if he or she has developed new needs which need to be addressed in an updated program.

Four Modules for Life Skills

Milestones supports learners in our “Skills for Life” program.


These skills training areas have been developed as three separate modules, which can be implemented separately or altogether.  The decision as to which modules to implement depends on the individualized assessed needs of each client. These skills are critical for promoting independence and fulfilling lives:

  • Living Skills

  • Social Integration Skills

  • Vocational Skills

Portrait with Hands Clasped
Eating Pizza

Module #1 – Living Skills

In the Milestones Living Skills module, clients learn and apply activities of daily living that enhance their ability to manage their own self-care.


Basic Living Skills are a prerequisite for any functional skills program for any learner regardless of age, setting, or disability. These essential skills, if not mastered, will have a profound impact on a learner’s ability to live independently, to be successful in school, and to take advantage of various social and recreational activities throughout the learner’s life. Basic Living Skills include:

  • Self-management

  • Basic communication

  • Dressing

  • Grooming

  • Health, Safety, and First Aid


Home Skills include the skills required for living in a home. Basic and advanced home skills of preparing and eating meals at home, cleaning tasks around the home, clothing, laundry, leisure skills, and the day-to-day mechanics of living in a home are assessed. 

  • Meals at home

  • Dishes

  • Housekeeping and chores

  • Household mechanics

  • Leisure

  • Kitchen

  • Cooking

Module #2: Social Integration Skills

In the Milestones Social Integration Skills module, clients learn and apply skills that provide for quality-of-life enhancement. 


A focus on the client’s areas of interest will be the starting point in developing a plan. As a result, the client will learn how to participate more fully in relationships. Skills learned in the Social Integration Skills module include:

  • Fitness awareness

  • Interactive conversations

  • Tolerating frustration and exhibiting calming strategies

  • Decision-making skills

  • Making appropriate choices

  • Using appropriate social etiquette and table manners

  • Interpreting social cues

  • Initiating and maintaining personal relationships

  • Dealing with dating and sexuality

  • Participating in social, recreational, and leisure activities

  • Time management

Taking an Order

Module #3: Vocational Skills 

In the Milestones Vocational Skills module, clients learn and apply the essential skills necessary for entering the workforce, finding appropriate employment, and maintaining that employment. Skills learned in the Vocational Skills module include:

  • Job search

  • Interview

  • Basic skills

  • Coworker relations

  • Workplace safety

  • Fixed activity skills

  • Custodial & cleaning

  • Laundry

  • Retail

  • Support personnel

  • Office skills

  • Computer skills

  • Restaurant skills

  • Restaurant kitchen

  • Warehouse

  • Tools

  • Trades & Construction

  • Landscaping

Module 4: School Skills

It is important for a learner to be an active participant in a variety of skills, routines and social situations in educational settings. These skills are essential in striving for independence and successful functioning in different types of classrooms, in all parts of the school campus, and with peers and various staff. This assessment covers all age levels of education (i.e., elementary school, middle school, high school, college). It also incorporates skills that are necessary in a wide range of classroom environments (i.e., special day classes, “pull out” classrooms, inclusion, regular education), and considers the individual’s level of development (e.g., language, behavior, and cognitive abilities). School Skills include:

  • Classroom mechanics

  • Routines and expectations

  • Meals at school

  • Social skills

  • Technology

  • Common knowledge

  • Core academics

  • Applied academics

Working on a Computer

Weekly Schedule

Each learner’s weekly service schedule is determined after assessment. The program is open Monday through Friday, 9am-2pm throughout the year, and is closed on all holidays.
Skill Targets
Social Skills
Conversation skills Fitness Video-Game etiquette
Vocational Skills
Office Admin Tasks Custodial Graphic design
Home Skills / Lunch
Laundry Food Prep
School Skills
Reading Math Email, internet safety
Basic Living Skills
Functional Communication Goal-Setting Self-Management practice Hair, teeth, makeup


Why don’t we accept insurance?

  • BCBA’s provide ABA services. In Alabama, health insurance only covers ABA for the diagnosis of ASD.

  • Health insurance companies do not cover services that include certain life skills and vocational goals.

  • Health insurance does not cover ABA for people over 18 years old in Alabama




1280 Columbiana Rd, Ste 101, Birmingham, AL  |  205-253-6903​

22660 Canal Rd., Orange Beach,  AL  |  251-609-5199


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